Friday, 8 November 2019


Wellington composer Chris Winter was on the news today with his soon to be released sound project based on traffic going through the Mt Victoria tunnel. It is named Carcophony.

It is worth noting that a work named Car-cophany was made in 2013 in Sydney by Matthew Timmis

This got me thinking that Richard (of RBB) should get into this and create a symphony based on the car sounds from his neighbourhood in Nuova Lazio.

A possible name for it could be A RHAPSODY IN WAINUI (borrowed shamelessly from Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue. RHAPSODY IN BLUE and he could also borrow from Gershwin's An American In Paris with the Paris taxi horns TAXI HORNS.

  • Theme 1  Sound of car braking and sliding out of control.
  • Theme 2  Car crashes into other parked cars with sound of broken glass and tearing metal.
  • Theme 3  Car driving off with flat tyres - screeching sound of  wheel rims on road.
  • Theme 4  Upward glissando of police car siren.
  • Theme 5  Fluctuating tempo as fleeing car stops - doors open and slam shut - soft sounds of hot engine ticking over.
  • Theme 6  Full orchestra playing faster with sound of police cars and Eagle helicopter chasing running car thieves 
  • Theme 7  Dramatically slowing tempo as car thieves are captured and pushed down on the ground. Sporadic yells, cries, grunts and oaths.
  • Theme 1 Staccato and repetitive sound of car running over potholed road
  • Theme 2  Fortissimo dissonant chords lead into sounds of car alarms and smashing rear windows. Cymbals crashing.
  • Theme 3  Trombones start low and then increase in volume as sound track of approaching car with no muffler nears. Percussion softly and becoming louder plays the beat
  • Theme 4  Full orchestra plays upward chromatic scale with intermittent strident trumpet notes as sound track reveals car doing 'do-nuts', 'burn-outs' and 'wheelies'.
  • Theme 5  Piano accompanied by sforzando orchestra leads to choir chorus in rising tempo as soundtrack introduces sounds of angry neighbours yelling at car drivers.
  • Theme 6  Silence then soft glockenspiel and piano accents tinkling down again to silence.



  1. Shelley and I tidied up the grove yesterday after a huge gust of wind sent a couple of recycling bins scattering with uncleaned recycling going everywhere. It reminded me of an old Italian saying, and reply...
    "In culo alla balena." "Speriamo che non scoreggi."

  2. Yes I see what you did there Second - band wagon ha ha.



 On the weekend The Old Girl and I celebrated 37 years of living together. In 'sin' if you were ever to listen to Robert. We shared ...