Friday, 18 March 2022


I was listening to Dire Strait's Wild West End today (again). God I love this song - it's so evocative.


The lyrics are spot-on and this bit always 'gets' me: 

And my conductress on the number nineteen
She was a honey
Pink toenails and hands all dirty with money
Greasy hair easy smile
Made me feel nineteen for a while

Devotees of this blog -  and I can assure you that they have reached single figures already - will remember that I wrote about this song about 6 years ago: CONNECTIONS #1

I had noticed a connection between it and an old Hancock's Half Hour programme from the 1960s.

Excuse me - I'm off to YouTube to see if I can find that old programme.

1 comment:

  1. I bought a budget pack of superglue so, if I spy an attractive woman walking along I'll lay a trap for her.



 I had a MRI procedure today. This was to check my pituitary gland at the back of my head to ascertain whether enlargement is responsible fo...